Efficient waste management

With industries across all sectors getting more digital, the maritime industry is no exception. One underestimated challenge onboard of a vessel is the written documentation, recording and tracking of discharged, received or transferred substances and materials as well as pollution. This can be very tedious and even more unpleasant and time-consuming when errors are detected that must be corrected eventually. To make this process less troublesome, the IMO authorized the use of digital solutions instead of paper-based records.
The operation of the app is straightforward.
Make all record books easily accessible to surveyors and inspectors.
Fulfill MARPOL's legal conditions
All relevant data and actions always in sight.
Efficient waste management on board ensured
The module allows you to record and keep track of all information with regards to the Oil Record Book (I + II), Cargo Record Book, Garbage Record Book, and Ozone depleting substances. By visualising the pending submissions and their respective status, the dashboard always provides the most relevant data at a glance. To make the process as convenient as possible and to ensure compliance, all data can be entered directly on board, using Cloud Ship Manager.

Audit log and automated backups
Each report is accompanied by an automatically created audit log that contains information on all activities and edits. The audit log is included in each report and viewable for everyone – this way, making sure that everything is comprehensible and traceable at any time. An additional backup makes sure that no information is lost even if there is no connection to CSM while auditing.
Key features
- Centralise all MARPOL record books in one place
- Comply with legal requirements while reducing your manual effort
- Reduce the risk of human error with templates for each method and process per record book
- Export and analyse the entries of your record books to determine potential counter measurements